Hi there, I’m Rouven.
Here you find some information that no one really cares about.
But you are here anyways. You little stalker.

A Few Words About Myself
I studied Computer Science and am curious about all things related to technology and how to live a good life.
I’m 27 years old, born and raised in Switzerland and I currently live somewhere in this picture from NASA:

Why I Share My Work Online
- CONNECTION: I like to connect with like-minded people
- I am not special, if I like something and think it’s interesting, there will be others thinking the same
- Obvious to me. Amazing to others:
- Everybody’s ideas seem obvious to them. So maybe what’s obvious to me is amazing and helpful to someone else?
- I look up to other bloggers and creative people sharing their stuff online, I love to rummage through cool personal websites (you should create one too!)
- If you think some stuff that I care about is interesting, write me a message.
- Don’t be shy and do not hesitate to say hello, I answer every message 😉.
- WRITING AND THINKING: I can clarify my thoughts and ideas by writing them down
- Writing is thinking, and I like to think
- I want to share things that my younger self would have wanted to know
- When I only consume and read and watch I can’t keep the knowledge as good as when I properly think and write about these things as well
- Sharing what I learn is a source of energy, not hard work I want to avoid. If you want to learn something, you should try teaching it to really understand the concepts in your own words
- WORK IN PUBLIC: I like to Show My Work
- I can get feedback and new ideas by interested people about things I care
- Committing to things by making them public makes me feel accountable and helps me to focus on what matters to me
- I want to not only consume from the public but also to create for the public
Support Me
If you like what I create, I would be honored and immensely grateful to be donated a coffee (I like cappuccino the most!) so I can work harder, better, faster and stronger on the next thing. 😉